In accordance with section 2.8 of the Faculty Manual, “院长必须有资格被任命为终身教授,并在他/她被任命的学校的一个学术部门担任正教授.” Section 2.该大学的教员手册第6条概述了院长的角色和职责. Specifically, 2.6 states:

院长是牛津大学各学院的首席行政官员. 院长在制定教育政策方面发挥领导作用,并在执行这些政策时充当教员的代理人. 此外,所有院长都促进大学的使命和愿景. Among other duties, the deans represent the college in relations with other colleges of the University; ensure that faculty members enjoy academic freedom and exercise academic responsibility; ensure that faculty evaluation, where appropriate, is part of the policies and procedures of all academic departments; review departmental recommendations for appointment, reappointment, promotion, tenure, termination, and dismissal, 向教务长提交建议,并向终身教职员工发送年度续聘或非续聘信.

院长还每年对直接监督下的所有人员进行评估.e. 部门主席),制定提案,计划,宣传册等., within the college; assist departments in faculty recruitment; serve as liaison among the provost, departments, faculty, and students. 院长们还审查学院每位教员的年度评估. 院长们还为教学、用品和设备等分配预算., 监督所有学院资金的支出,听取院系以外的教职工申诉,并在正式申诉程序中予以配合. 院长还监督教师的工作量和日程安排,并建议批准教师发展假和休假的请求. The deans also establish ad hoc committees of the collegiate faculty; recommend appointment of department chairs within the procedures outlined...and other academic administrators from within departments in accordance with policies and procedures specified; and serve on various councils, commissions, 及大学政策所规定的委员会. 教务长每年对每位院长的在职表现进行评估,每五年进行一次全面评估. 院长拥有教员级别,从事教学工作, research, 和公共服务功能的可行程度. 在大学的一些学院,副院长和/或助理院长和/或主任协助院长,这些院长由院长分配职责并直接向院长报告.